Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy Sunday
and Happy Memorial Day weekend.

Remember to take a lot of time to remember all those who fought for us to play on this computer, eat dinner, ride bikes, pray and practice any religion we choose, walk down a street without fear of getting blown up.
And remember to Thank God that we get to live in a country where God is our focus--I am so thankful I live here and not somewhere where poverty and war is always number on

Now for my quest...

Last weekend I went to the town wide garage sale, can you say over 40 garage sales.. ooh-la-la what a fun day.. well I found a bread maker with book still in wonderful condition for $5.00 bucks. I used it last weekend to make basic white bread. The bread was hard and did not rise properly (yet still good). Of course the booklet gives you five different reasons to what you might have done wrong-so trying to pinpoint will be a challenge. Today I am making cinnamon raisin, (without the raisins)the smell is to die for-I am praying it turns out ok
I need tips.. do you use bread flour, or regular flour, what kind of yeast. I thought I followed the directions to a T but well as I said the bread didn't cooperate

I really want to get good at this as I am thinking bread for Christmas presents with a side of jam would be awesome

I do hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I am helping my son put all his personal belongings in the attic today, as he is still staying in Ohio to care for his grandmother but managed to rent his condo out for the summer,,( he did this last year only he was still there)
I have to work tomorrow, I have to get the newsletter ready for print and I cannot work Wednesday as I am going to NYC to see the View. Scott and I are taking the ferry in at 6 am, yuck and then we will have lunch.
My niece is visiting from San Francisco on Tuesday I will have a BBQ in her honor. I haven't seen her in five years, she is so sweet and such a delight.
Okay enough chatting got to run to church
Posted by Jeannette

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sermon for May 10, John 15: 1-8

In this chapter, Jesus is pictured for us as the True Vine. I am imagine Jesus and these men going through the darkened streets of the city and then passing beyond the walls into the surrounding countryside. During this time of year, the grape vines would be beginning to blossom with the promise of a fresh harvest. As Jesus walked with his disciples perhaps he reached out and took a vine in his hands and used it to teach an object lesson to the men. In many of Jesus' teachings he used objects and parables so the thought of him removing a vine for his lesson doesn't sound unusual.

Now we might ask ourselves, " why did Jesus give them this teaching now?" The answer was simple; They needed it. These men have just been informed that Jesus is going away, but that his work must continue and that it is to continue through our lives.

Well a little knowledge goes along way and knowing how to produce fruit in their lives was a lesson much needed.

this morning, we are about 2,000 years removed from that night, but the work of the Lord still marches forth. God is still working through the followers to accomplish his work and will in the world today.

Many of us may sit here and wonder how are we suppose to do the work of the Lord and how can we produce that kind of fruit in our own lives. Well the answer is found int he verses of the Gospel lesson we just read and heard.

In verse 1; I am the true vine, and my father is the vine grower. Now we must first remind ourselves who the True vine is, all other vines are counterfeit. He alone is the true source of everlasting, abundant life. At the same time we need to be sure we understand who the gardener of the vine is, our heavenly father is the Gardner and only he can decide if the vine lives or dies.

In verse 2; he removed every branch in me that bears no fruit; The key phrase here is "in me". this lets us know that we are dealing with genuine believers. Jesus is not speaking about those who profess Christ and yet have never possessed him. He is not talking about wheat and tares, but only wheat.

Now what is the role of the gardener? Well in my gardener, I provide tender care, and protection. I might do this by watering, tying up plants, removing the useless parts, the dead branches. If I see a broken stem or branch I might try to lift it up from the dirt to give it a better chance to be productive. Sometimes I might shake up the dirt a bit, prune some of the bad vines back or try to shock the plant so to challenge it to grow.

Now if a part of the plant has useless buds, spots, discolored leaves or anything that is hindering the growth and the value of the rest of the plant, that part of the plant must go! Sometimes the whole plant might need to be dug up and place in the trash pile. After all as the gardener of my garden I have many plants that have what is needed to produce. why as the gardener should I waste my time on plants that won't produce?

When we allow things in our lives that hinder our walk with the Lord, than we are in danger of a pruning. "Pruning" by its name sounds painful, and it isn't always easy to cut the junk out from our lives. But if we do not, the Lord will surely notice. How is pruning accomplished.. Well lets read verse 3; You have already cleansed by the work that I Have spoken to you.

A question you might ask yourself, has the Lord been speaking to you through his word? If so, Have you been heeding the call from the Lord? If not, than I challenge you to allow the Lord to prune your life with his words.

Now when we grow plants trees, vines, what is the purpose of the plant. Is it to provide shade? produce food? add beauty, provide nourishment to creatures and bugs? The plant has a purpose to produce something. without a purpose the reason to give life to the plant is wasted. Our purpose is to bear fruit to the Glory of God.

This ought to be the burning desire of every child of God this morning, to bring glory to the Father in heaven.

In verse 4; Abide in me as I abide in you, just as a branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless you abide in me.

Now as followers of Christ, we must be attached to the vine. We must seek our nourishment and protection and pruning in order to produce his fruit in our lives. How do we accomplish producing fruit? by abiding, by prayer, by studying His word, and deny thy self. All will draw you nearer to God. The closer we are, the more his life can flow through us to produce the fruit he desires.

How would you describe your life this morning? Are you bearing much fruit for the Lord?
I don't think there is anyone, anywhere that hasn't been effected by the recession and the economy. whether it be loss of job, extra expenses, gas prices, health issues. I hear many talking about hording money. Having six or more months of living expenses is a smart thing to do, But I also think in times such as what we are facing we need to trust God even more. We also need to give away more.

I know countless stories of the depression era where family survived through the grace of God and through help from their neighbors, if one family had more they would share with another, if a meal was made you made extra for your neighbor. If you baked bread you would bake extra and share it. Neighbors looked out for neighbors. Many people today are working two or more jobs to just barely survive. If you see a need, maybe when you go shopping you can purchase an extra meal, or a food gift card, give it away anonymously, does someone need a ride, weeding, babysitting?

Have a yard sale, any money made give it to a family in need, Go around your house, do you have too much stuff? find a person, family or place that needs it. We are having a yard sale here at the church next weekend, use this as an opportunity to raise some money.

Giving Time is free, can you just buy someone a cup of coffee, and listen to his or her troubles. Many are hurting, giving time might be the best fruit ever.
How about visiting a nursing home? or helping a family with a sick child. Can you write, think of all the soldiers away from home protecting our freedom, can you spare an hour a week writing a letter. The possibilities are endless, what can you do? What does your actions teach your children and families. Are you teaching them to give and care about others?

Now the last will have you cringing in your seat, oh yes just the thought will make you slither away. Give your money away! Oh wait, its really not all ours. God provides and we are the stewards. And what does he ask in return. 10%. Yup that's' right the bible says 10% belongs to God. It comes from him, and is suppose to go back to him. So how are you managing his money?
Wait it gets better, don't just stop at 10% give more, give a love offering. Give to a friend or stranger who is hurting, suffering from expenses. Give, pray about it first about where to give and then do it!

I know of a single mom who is raising her children on less than $19,000 a year. She without hesitation tithes on every cent that God allows her to have, she is not rich, does not have worldly possessions, lives in a house that literally needs to be demolished, her clothes for the most are leftovers from friends, yet she feels so blessed. She teaches her children to give, to tithe and to share willingly. She writes letter to soldiers, shares what she has with others that are less fortunate, if she hears of a family that is in need she will give what she has to them, she takes time to teach at her church and yet she feels so blessed. Her needs are met daily by God. Now if in this situation unselfishness and being fruitful is first and foremost, what's stopping you?

When you leave here today, I have a challenge for you, I challenge you to do three things, if not all three at least one
1. give something away this week to someplace, someone, or somewhere. Think of the blessing someone else might find in it. Now I am not talking about that ratty old sofa that is torn in two and smells like sour milk. I am talking about still in good shape and decent condition items.
2. Give away some of your time this week, without complaining, without allowing the other person to feel uncomfortable, without patting yourself on the back or boasting.
3. Any money you receive this week, tithe, if you can't do 10% do 1 %. No matter how small the amount you receive give some away.

Now when we speak of fruit, what is meant? Well it certainly is not in reference to apples, oranges, or pineapples. We know we cannot in ourselves produce that kind of fruit. There are three basic fruits that the Lord wants in his children.

sanctification, that we become more like him
spirituality, we behave more like him
and souls, that we are burdened like him, we take on the burdens of others

It doesn't matter the quantity of our fruit, nor the quality. What matters is how we use our fruit. The more we use our fruit, the more God will yield in our lives.

What will happen if we remain attached to the vine, but do not abide?
Those who do abide can rest assured of certain promises;

an unhindered prayer life, why? When we are abiding, as we should and when we are drawing our life from Him, then his will be our will. That is, every time we pray and every thing we pray for will fit perfectly with his will. His will and he will grant our requests.
an unending love, While Jesus lives all mankind always, those who are abiding in him have entered into a special, ever-deepening relationship with Him. This is the promise of the Vine to the Branches.
An uncommon joy; Joy is not happiness, which depends on happenings but it is a deep settled inner pleasure. It is the deep settled assurance and confidence in our relationship with God.

Jesus is the true vine, his desire to live through our lives so that we can bear fruit unto the Heavenly father. As we close, give some thought this week to the following:
are you "in the vine" are you walking with God?
are you abiding in the vine, drawing your strength with prayer, his words so that he is able to produce fruit through your life?
Are you bearing his fruit today?

where do you stand in your walk with the Lord? IF God has revealed to you areas in your life that need pruning pray, ask for guidance

In verse 8, the last verse in today's reading; My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.

so why are we getting this lesson today, because we needed it, If we are followers of Christ, we need to be reminded how to be fruitful, how to remain attached to the vine, how to live up to our purpose of why God wants us here. WE must continue the work of Jesus and bring Gods glory to all!

Heavenly Father, Show Us Lord how to be attached to the vine, give us the works when needed, the wisdom when asked, the care when able to provide fruit and produce followers in you. Let your Love show through our actions and our deeds. If someone needs help this week Lord let us provide help with out seeking or boasting praise. If we can be a support system or give time show us what is needed. Le us be the light to you, in your care we go forth. Amen