Sunday, December 6, 2009

Life is so weird for me

Life is very busy for me, almost to the point of weird and crazy busy. not a good busy. Somehow I lost control of my life and I am always on the run. For example Friday I purposely switched my day at the Real estate office ( I had floor duty) so I could finish painting the boys new bedrooms, lay down carpet and get the rooms done so Becky could move in. She bought the house November 3, but still hasn't been able to move in because of the repairs we wanted to do first. Well Friday came, first I had to babysit for 3 hours, which was ok, it was only a few hours, I thought I still had the balance of the day, but then Samantha called me from the dentist to say she had to go to an oral surgeon to have an impacted tooth pulled, could I bring her, well of course, the rest of day was spent nursing her, then at night baby sit again which was planned but. Saturday again I had plans to work on rooms yet other stuff came up where it prevented me from getting done what I wanted to.
Okay I am done whining, I love my children and I am so happy to be able to give them all the support they need and for a second please don't think I dont want to babysit, its all the other stuff that gets me
I am considering giving up Real Estate, I was so into it last year, I loved showing houses, and shared alot of the interests with Eric, I a trying to get back into it now, but its so not there. I am sitting in the Real Estate office today and its very weird as its the first time back since Eric's death.

I got the Prescription report from the insurance company for Erics last year of medications received. I am considering filing a wrongful death suite agains the pharmacy. They filled over 8 prescribtions in a two months period. All controled substances. Erics head was filled with so much toxicness he had no idea whether he was coming or going. Eric was getting prescribtions written by different doctors but the same pharmacy was filing them. Some where a flag should have been put up. What do you think am I just looking to blame someone, or is this an emotional thing

Of course the Psychatrist he was seeing just sent me a bill for $50 for Eric missing his appointment two days after his death. Oh just let me have a shot at this guy..

As far as the approaching season, I never did like the Holiday's, leftover issues from growing up. I made the mistake of saying this at my last therapy session and boy was my therapist excited about this new found info, she said, oh just wait until our next session, we will be discussing this, ha maybe I will cancel.
I am trying to turn the season into donating and volunteering. January will be here soon enough, hope my meltdowns are few and far between.


Becky R said...

I love you

ScottCC said...

Hi, I read this the other night and now again today. Your thoughts and feelings are important to me. They matter to me. I love you.

The Lost Goat said...

It's normal to hate the holidays - especially if they weren't much fun for you growing up. Fortunately, you can count down to exactly when they will be over.

It can't hurt to talk to an attorney - for a wrongful death suit, they will expect to work on commission, so you won't be out of pocket to talk to someone about it. (i.e., if they want money up front, find out why before you agree)

Don't just pull a random name out of the yellow pages, ask around until you find someone who can recommend an attorney that they themselves have used for a similar issue. And by similar I mean plaintiff-side medical malpractice.

If you can't find that, ask an attorney you know in your area for a referral. The attorneys in your town will probably have a good sense of who does a good job verses who is about to come up on disciplinary hearings for embezzling client funds. The yellow pages just take money and print anything the attorneys in there tell them to.

Sharon said...

Thank you so much for your comment on my blog...It is a wealth of information, and I intend on using every last bit of it!

Hope things are going well for you. 2010 will be a better year.

Becky R said...

i like the picture of the sand castle
from josh