Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Ye who have little faith

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.Corinthians 9: 7-8
A few days ago I sat down to pay my weekly bills, money is tight as my DH got laid off last week and we see it could be a long haul as there are over 80 guys on the list at the hall. (he is union) I carefully payed each bill due, when I finished paying each one I realized there would not be enough money for food and gas for the week, I don't know about you but I am finding both of these are really creating a strain, I re-figured the bills, paying a little less on this one and that, but still no money for food and gas, but wait, if I don't send the tithe money to the church that will leave me the money needed for both. Hummmmm now I am rationing in my head, and lo and behold I hear a voice in my head, yup that's right its Gods voice, clearly telling me to have faith that he will provide, but I of course begin to wrestle with these thoughts, again the voice "its not your money and you must have faith to send your tithe, now this is where it could have gotten ugly, cause now I am arguing, (oh how God loves a good argument, as he knows he will win) But God I say to myself, you don't need my money you have plenty, to which I immediately jump out of my chair as I am sure lightening will strike, I very gracefully sit back down and without any further hesitation send my tithe to my church. So off to work I go, with thoughts of how am I going to get there the rest of the week and gee the pantry is kind of bare, but okay what will be will be, God will provide. As I am driving to work, it hits me, and I open my glove box and yes in there is all the singles I kept stashing away whenever I had leftover singles for change, there was about $40 dollars worth, and then it hits me again, Yes it was God, I have a trash box that I made out of cardboard that sits on my console, when I made it I added a small hidden pocket to stash cash in when I am driving, I forgot that last week I hid a $20 in it in-case I needed to do extra driving. and then the voice inside my head said, "Ye who have little faith"and then the song played in my head, All that I have needed God has provided" Have faith he will provide

1 comment:

Becky R said...

God is so good! Thanks for my groceries last week. I love you!