Saturday, July 18, 2009

Life is a big fat bowl full of crap

Sometimes you get a little whip cream and cherries to make it better, but otherwise is Sucks!

One of Eric's dogs passed away at his house last night, we had him at the vet yesterday and nothing eluded to this, Not sure how much more my
family can take, I am really getting tired of the line "Life must go on" as I
do understand that but at what point can you just say "F--- it all"!

And that is all I have to say


GAmomdb said...

Hi Jeannette

I am so sorry about the loss of the dog. It is always so sad when a dearly loved pet dies. I was so upset when my much loved cat, Sass died a few months after Nick. I just wanted to scream as I felt that it was so unfair of God to take MY cat. She slept under the covers, next to me in the winter. I still have her mother, but I never bonded with her the same way.

Sometimes it does seem just to much to have to deal with and you want to throw up your hands in defeat, but you keep going.

I am interested to know if you were on GriefNet. I was on it for awhile after Nick died. Sometimes it helped, but mostly the people who posted often had so much anger and raw grief (some after years) that I found it frightening. I didn't want to be 3 years out and still raging and having raw grief pouring out of me. It seemed a bit unhealthy, mentally to me. It was a good place to vent at first, but I didn't feel comfortable after awhile.

I am so sorry that yet another grief, problem or whatever you want to call it has been put on you. Please know that I care and I am here if you ever need me.

Love, hugs and prayers

Becky R said...

this is all so sad.

sylvia said...

Jeannette, i got the shivers when i realized the same thing had happened to Donna, losing a pet. i remember that post on dpl.........

i wish i could hug you tight and make the pain go away. i do agree with Donna, you have to decide which grief forums are helping you and which are not. you are different from everyone else, we all are, and what works for one person will not work for another.

only you can say what will help: if you want to call one of us please do. if you rather not talk about it with us, that's okay too. but i hope you're talking to other people, your family, other young friends.....i hope you know that doing you know what with you know who is helpful too, we crave human contact for all kinds of reasons....i bet your tendency might be to push him away and deal with it on your own, but being close can help.

love you, praying for you