That's what it feels like, I am stuck in a time warp. Life is moving, I am moving but where am I going? Life just feels like a big bowl of emptiness.
Yesterday was a relive it day, Samantha posted on her face book page "she didn't want to be Samantha anymore" well that just renewed all the anxiety and scared feelings. Everything surfaced and boy was it ever painful. I was at work and trying not to cry at work is a big challenge. I wanted to leave but that is not always possible either
Becky went and sat with Samantha, and that may have put a band aid on her feelings but her feelings are so raw and well I guess just like the rest of my kids. Empty, hurt, sad, feeling alone,
she thinks because she is 19 she is an adult, does she not know that even at 50 we are not completely adults. She keeps saying she needs to handle this on her own, I asked her "how is that working for you"
How on earth do you handle this on your own when you have no idea what or how, where is the instruction booklet on how to handle death, especially a family member that takes their own life?
I still haven't rapped my head around Eric being dead, its so surreal, so weird, like i will wake up and its a bad bad dream
Anyways back to Samantha, She said to me that she didn't know who she was anymore or what or how she was suppose to be, she pretty much summed up exactly my feelings.
Oh and I swear if one more person says to me "one day at a time" I promise I am going to hurt someone or something. Like seriously who can do more than one day at a time, who can do three days at a time? What a stupid, stupid phrase-- and "baby steps" no seriously like did I do giant steps before? Okay guess I am trying to insert some sort of humor, its not really working is it?
My feelings are all over the place and some days I pretend life is the same, other days it hits me like a sucker punch. Today is the sucker punch day, yesterday started and most likely will stay this way for a few days. That's the crappy part, life is so priceless and here I am stuck in a time warp with raw, unpredictable, scary, pain feelings.
Well maybe I will feel better after I go buy three new kitty litter boxes and fill them and then remove all the lovely presents one of the cats left for me all over the basement, yup that's a sure fire way to improve ones mood
oh gosh I am so all over the map today