Sunday, November 15, 2009

Its still raining in NJ

Its only been four days, gosh do we really have another 36 days to go?

I read eveyone's post about my church dilemna, and please understand I do know that God will never abandon me, heck I would be in a psycho ward if He was not walking beside me. Of course he is probably getting tired of my rants and outbursts but it is what it is.
Thank you for always supporting me and giving me fuel for thought. Thats why I like the posting whether it here or on the flawless site. We can rant and rave all we want and the only ones that read it is us.

I have been and will be busy for oh probably until my foot is in the grave, busyiness always finds me. I am starting to remove all the contents of Eric's house, I am going to do two hours stints. Two hours at Beckys doing whatever she needs, as she is also moving, and then two hours at Erics. I am planning on putting Eric's house on the market within the next two weeks and want it clean and friendly. Becky is suppose to move into her home within the next two weeks as well.

I have started taking Vitamin D, I started taking it about 3 weeks ago, I stopped taking my depression meds, and I have to say, I have more energy and less depression. I still have the edgyness and will now order some over the counter HRT cream to see if that helps.

My house is slowing feeling like its getting small. I was trying to say the word you feel when everything is closing in on you but I can't for the life of me figure out how to spell it. My older sister moved in and Samantha moved back in, Samantha is not very neat, heck she isn't neat at all. ON the flip side my sister is OCD and if you put a plate down, it goes into the dishwasher. The two are sharing a bathroom so I can only imagine the fun they are both having. OF course with the moving in alot of belongings came along, Why couldn't they just bring a bag of underwear and a change of clothes.

On the brighter side, my sister seems more content, (don't get to content this is only a short stay)

Well I have to go read my bible and do my morning devotions.

Thanks for reading and sharing life with me


Sisters of the Blog said...

would the word be claustrophobic or claustrophobia?

Vitamin D is good stuff, i take it from mid fall to mid spring since i'm not outside as much then, or when i am, i'm more covered up so less vitamin D opportunities from the sunshine. Or, if i'm working in the rain, i'm covered up then, too.

Gosh, i've gotten used to living alone, and when DH comes for a visit, i notice how quickly things get messy and piled up. I can do this all by myself, too, but it seems to take me longer. So, at long last, for the most part i guess i've learned to put things away when i'm done using them.


Jeannette said...

ah yes claustrophobic, and add the claustrophobia in too

Tina said...

I knew Megan would write the correct word..I just knew it!!!

Yep, I am wondering how my house is going to be with Carrie moving in this week. Ummm what is it with these people..don't they want to cook their own holiday meals or something? What's up with that? Lol

On the really honest side, I am a little trepidatious about having Carrie here, I have such a routine, that having her here is going to be really different, but they need our help right now and that is what we are going to them..

Never thought of vitamin D..over the counter? HUmmm food for thought, and don't get me on the food topic..I could easily mix up a batch of choco chip cookies and eat it all myself..danger zone here.


Becky R said...

Yikes. You are always so busy!!!

Thanks for your help packing up my stuff.

I love you!