Moses said to the Israelites, "I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live." Deuteronomy 30:19
What does it mean to you when you have the choice to choose life or death?
How often are we put into situations where the wrong choice could mean the latter, we find ourselves on a path of right or wrong. We know the right choice should be made, but the temptation and the temporary good feeling of the wrong choice supercedes. We know we shouldn't take that extra change given to us at the grocery store, but hey that cashier should have been paying attention is what we tell ourselves. We know we should have let that driver pull out in front of us, but hey we were there first. We know that family needs our help, financially, physically, mentally, but instead we have more important things to do. So why God would say something so obvious in his words, who would choose death instead of life? Its hard sometimes to realize this link between moral wrongs and spiritual death. I believe something in us dies when we m ake unethical, immoral, or dishonest decisions. God always asks us to do what is good for us. When we choose to do right, we choose life; when we choose to do wrong, we choose death. Sometimes obeying God seems to keep us from good opportunities. But n the end, obeying God is the choice that leads us to life.
Help us , O God in daily situations to make choices that please you. Amen
go to the doctor
I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to new posts. They make me think and give me an insight to your thinking.
i enjoyed reading the journey from the beginning of this essay to the end. but now i'm worried about Becky's comment: should i be?
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