Seek first [God's] kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
-Matthew 6:33 (NIV)
RECENTLY while I was weeding my garden, I saw half a dozen sturdy yellow sprouts that didn't look like any of the vegetables I had planted. After investigating, I realized that they were pumpkin plants, growing from seeds that had been in the compost I added to the soil. At first I was excited; pumpkins are delicious! I quickly remembered, though, that pumpkins are plants that could easily take over my small garden, leaving no room for anything else.
Every day since then, I've found more pumpkin seedlings -- sometimes as many as 30 in one day! I'm allowing one plant to grow, but the others I diligently remove.

Amy Peterson (Arkansas, USA)
Dear God, help us to cultivate our hearts and lives wisely, giving space and time to what is most important. Teach us to seek your kingdom and righteousness above all else. Amen.
Chart how you've spent your time in the last week. What priorities does your chart reveal?