Monday, September 17, 2007

Wow I am so dilegent about bloggin

Its only been a month since I last post, you would think I was so busy and didn't have time. In reality, I did have time I just don't have many things to blog about. seems silly when no one is really reading them.
so in the past four weeks, my daughter finally moved into her house. she seems content she seems more relaxed, I guess when neighbors are not complaining every five seconds it makes life easier
My youngest became 18, and just like that I became dumb. that's right I no longer have any brain cells, I am rude, I am most definitely not funny and the best I am annoying. LOL I really earned my mother stripes
my two grandsons both started school they seem to like it. Its fun to hear the stories they share
My birthday came and gone, I was very disappointed this year, Usually I get great pictures of my grandsons for my birthday, and every other holiday occasion, this year I didn't get any.
I have been sending out lots of resumes, going to interviews, but for some reason I am not being hired, like what the ----? I am a great employee some stupid dumb company should beg to have me work for them. Maybe its just not my time yet

1 comment:

Becky R said...

Oh you want pictures, wit till Christmas- you will be sorry! lol