Wednesday, December 26, 2007

We made it through the Holiday

yippee, I hope all faired well, I myself can now breathe all the shopping for others somehow it doesnt make much sense
Did I loose the reason for the season... maybe this little story will tell
Most recently at my suggestion, our layspeakers of our church sent all the church members Christmas Cards, over two hundred to be exact. At our church service this past Sunday, my pastor told me my little gesture actually may have saved someone from a dark moment. It seems one of our members received the card and after seeing it was from the church decided to contact the pastor and get help. It seems this person was thinking of ending their life but when they received the card it was like God reaching out to them. How wonderful God is and works

I really do want to cut back on the shopping and present giving, the people I gave presents to, most don't even know what I got them and I dont even know what I got. The gifts were opened so faast and it was not at all fun, if you ask someone what they got last year for Christmas I bet they won't even remember. Never mind all the regifting we do. So what is the reason for the season, gift giving, stressing, gift returns-- oh wait, its to share the birth of our Lord Savior

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