Monday, May 26, 2008

Sticky situation

I guess I can tell you guys about getting stuck in a dress at Kohls the other day, yup that was me on ther front page of the paper. See I had to go to a PBA ball Friday night, and well you all know I had two funerals last week and it never occured to me that a nice dress was needed, not until the Pastor (who was also attending the b all) mentioned that after the funeral service she was going to get her hair done. Suddenly my brain had thoughts of me going to a fancy event and nothing, not even a black dress to wear. So after the service I went to Kohls, since its the only store within close range. I grab three black dresses and off to the dressing room I go. First dress I dont like, next dress I try on I like but its too tight, way way too tight. I try to pull it up over my head, its stuck on my arms, and no matter how I wrangled and moved it got stuck even further. This is not good, I know its not good and now I am panicking. Ever panick with a dress stuck around your head? So I open the door of the dressing room to which you can see out into entire store, theres me a dress stuck over my head arms in the air and me in my underwear asking people in the area to please find a store employee and send them to me. Three showed up, yup it too three store employees to slowly pry my arms out of this dress. All the while my underwear in plain view. I am only imagining store security was up their eyebrows in laughter. They finally released me from the dress and said do you want to buy it?? Can you just imagine my look? As they were leaving me to return to the dressing room I heard one of them say, geez I never had that happen before, to which I commented, umm its not like my daily routine. The sad thing I still had to try on the last dress. Which I did and it fit and I ran out of there faster than you could imagine. When I got home to relive the story with my 18 year old, she gasped and said oh no I know at least three people that work there I hope they didn’t see you. Gee thanksanyways, have a great day


Becky R said...

ha ha ha! You so pulled a Becky. I love you!

ScottCC said...

Sorry you had to go through all that. It was worth it though. You looked wonderful that night.

Becky R said...

Six word Meme

This meme originated over an idea that was prompted by the book written by Larry Smith & Rachel Fershleiser, Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure. It’s a compilation based on the story that Hemingway once bet ten dollars that he could sum up his life in six words. His words were, “For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn.”

1. Write your own six word memoir.
2. Post it to your blog including a visual illustration if you would like.
3. Link to the person who tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blog sphere.
Storing up treasures in Heaven has tagged me
4. Tag 5 more blogs with links.
5. Don’t forget to leave a comment in the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

My six word meme is:

I mess up way too much

I tag: