so in celebration and because I am such a proud mom this post is dedicated strictly to her ---Samantha is a gift from God to me. You see, after I married Samantha's dad in 1985, I got pregnant with Adam, Adam for whatever reason was born without any lungs and he was also born as what they call dwarfism. He only lived for a month before he passed. About 3-4 months later I got pregnant again. In about my fifth month it was determined that the baby I was carrying was once again going to die, so I had a theraputic abortion. This was so painful and scary as I actually had to del

iver the baby even though it was dead. She was a girl, and secretly I named her Sara. This was Not something I was proud of, but I did not want Eric, Becky & Kevin and everyone else to go through the same heartache again. For whatever reason the combined genes of myself and my then husband was causing this.

In 1989 I once again got pregnant, I did not plan on this, nor did I know I was pregnant until about the 3rd month. When I called the High risk obgyn that I had with the last pregnancy he said quote unquote, "I have a good feeling about this pregnancy" and that was before he even saw me or saw any tests.

And so on Sept 6, 1989, Samantha arrived. Healthy and beautiful.
And so it began, 20 wonderful years with a gift from God, that when she smiles and laughs it lights up a room.
She is amazing!!! But today is your day! Happy Birthday to you today!!!
I hope you both have a nice day. Happy Birthday
Aw that is an amazing story. The ups and downs the life gives us eh? Who can predict what things will turn out like....I'm so glad for your Samantha!
Thanks for sharing!
Luv Heidi
wow. the lives we lead that no one knows about.
you're so wonderful to share this with us.
love you, and happy birthday to Sam
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