I am sitting here listening to Joyce Meyers, she has a way of getting my attention. She mentions that there are two types of people in the world. Those that wait for things to happen and those who make things happen. I don't see myself as the type that waits for things to happen, I am the type that makes things happen. Although my willingness to make things happen for the most part can be a good thing I find that making things happen can also be my worse enemy. I tend to do things without praying, without thinking and without seeing what the results might be. The other day I was whining once again about how
sucky life is, how I need changes made and then out loud to God I said, God your not going fast enough, I am going to have fix things myself..whoa
I am lucky I wasn't standing on a cliff, God might have just tossed me over!
I did catch myself saying that, and to God I am sorry, you don't always do what I want and I do get annoyed easily. That pretty much sums up why my eagerness to make things happen often result in the wrong choice and then facing the consequences of such.
So after my rant I prayed, I asked God to give me patience. Which brings me to my next point, how much of my life is the way it is because of my actions. How much could have been different had I waited for God to show me the right path. I know my childhood was abusive,
dysfunctional and the kind people write books about, so I guess its easy to continue to create the same in my adult life. So how do we change the path, how do we make the future better without stepping on God's toes. Thats a hard challenge. Satan can easily use any opportunity in your life to deter you, to challenge you, to even make you think God is the one leading you. I do think when your at peace with a choice it's Gods way, its when your mind is going in six different directions is when your not going to make the right choice.
So I do believe I am the type that makes things happen, not the type that waits. I will pray more when I am making choices and give God a chance to give me an answer before I react. I will read God's words more and use them in my life. I will ask God for patience even if I don't feel like it, I will try to be nicer to people even if I don't feel like it. (that will be a hard one).