I use coupons, that's right I use coupons, so who cares right? Well for years I have been trying to find something to use to sort, store and give me easy access to my coupons. I did not like the check holder type, the accordion style type nor did I want to purchase the ones created and sold online. I was using a dollar store small photo album but after a few uses the clear plastic started ripping. Do I have a point, yes I do... about three months ago, while in Kohl's not looking for something for coupons I found it, the perfect book. It was actually a recipe book. It was small about 4 inches by say 6 inches, it was divided into many sections with hard cardboard. Each page was a plastic sleeve with a index card in each to write the recipe on. The best it was on a clearance shelf for $2.00. This became my coupon bible, so easy to use, so easy to store and sort through when I needed. If fit nicely in the little basket in front of the shopping cart. I could find coupons easily as they were sorted by items, not sections of the store. Each item had its own page. Like all teeth stuff was in one plastic sleeve, all shampoo in another, all cheeses, well you get the idea.

In the back I had room for all my store cards, and all the other coupons I used that did not pertain to groceries. Well this past weekend I left my book in the shopping cart, I was tired when I went shopping and to make matters worse when I left the store the weather was against me big time, I was greeted with a wind chill and dampness and of course I never park near the entrance, oh no not me, I must park sixteen miles away as I want to get that exercise. Okay a small exaggeration but you get the idea. So to my car I tried to rush with a cart full of groceries. As fast as I could I emptied the cart into my car, not realizing I left my sweet little book. I didn't realize it until two days later when I needed the receipt and realized I couldn't find my little book.
Panic ensued, that's right, you see not only did I have all my store cards, my coupons but even something so valuable, and for those who cut corners as much as possible you will understand this, in the back I had about 6 $5.00 off coupons for future shopping orders good until Dec. I also had my cleaners coupons of which I get $6 off each order, I have these for each month until November. The thought of not having these coupons sent me into total melt down mode. I called the store, I asked about my book, I knew the person that answered really didn't even look, I have worked in retail, a phone call such as that would have not been treated as an important call. So yesterday on route to some errands I stopped at the store. I went over to customer service and with a little prayer asked if my book was found. When the clerk stood up with my book in hand she must have thought I was a bit strange as I actually started jumping up and down and clapping my hands. I didn't care, my book was back, it found its way home to me. All coupons were still intact, all pages secure. Life is good, my book is home aaah the small things we enjoy
Is that the cover of the book..if so I love love love it. I want a book....I could get a book, but right now I don't have time to get a book, so I will wait till my life settles.
Envisioning you jumping up and down and clapping made me laugh, and I need a laugh..so thanks my dear friend!
Good idea Jeannetter, really a great idea for organizing!
when I was jumping up and down I probably looked like the bus just let me off from the funny farm
I wish I could have gotten a picture of that. And posted it here. LOL
I am glad you were able to get your little book back.
yay!!! i have left my planner which has my life in it............now i too have a little thing for coupons and my cash envelopes and store cards and gift cards, etc. I cannot imagine what i would be like if i lost it. well, actually i have lost IT, but not my book, if you know what i mean jelly bean. i completely understand how you felt when you got it back.
Thanks Sylvia now I want jelly beans,
Oh, i TOTALLY get that. I LOVE your little book. My coupon box is an index card holder, the large size, 4×6, not the 3×5 size.
I only have coupons in there, a cheat sheet for the math of triple coupons, store policies for double and triple coupons, a pair of scissors for when i'm clipping coupons, a pen, a pencil, a few paper clips, and recipes.
At a moment years ago, when i realized i had enough address labels sent from any number of organizations to see me through a century of mailing things, i took two labels and stuck them on the box.
yes, i do have a point!
I had the kind of shopping day you described, where i left my coupon box in the cart. Didn't realize it right away. When i did realize it, i called the store. The girl sounded completely apathetic, BUT she did tell me it was there.
I raced over to get it, and THERE IT WAS! MY BOX!!
I don't think i jumped up and down, but i know my heart leapt with joy when i saw it.
Now, if i can only find the lost glove that wandered away yesterday.
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